Links & Resources
Here are some of our favorite links:
ISBONA - Icelandic Sheep Breeders of North America: A great resource about the breed, its history, characteristics and uses.
Maryland Small Ruminant Page: Excellent resource for flock management including disease, lambing, etc.
UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture: Technical assistance for production, processing and marketing.
Vermont Sheep & Goat Association: For those of us in VT raising sheep & goats!
Poisonous Plants in Vermont: A helpful guide, including drawings, of the plants in VT to watch out for!
The Control of Internal Parasites in Ruminants: A great article from Ecological Agriculture Projects on natural rememdies for internal parasites.
The Joy of Handspinning: Resources for handspinners, includes videos of hand carding and spinning.
ISBONA FaceBook page: Great place for discussion, advice and photos of our favorite breed!